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The Timeless Benefits of Joy

Have you ever laughed so hard your stomach hurt, and the next breath arrived in slow motion? Hilarious people and unexpected situations can cause your tickle box to overflow—often at inappropriate times. Like a favorite old t-shirt, joy can lift a weary mind and relax an exhausted body. Are you in need of a little extra joy? 


Benefits of Laughter

According to researchers, the health benefits of laughter are physical and emotional. They also affect personal and social relationships. For instance, joy-induced endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin can help you feel happy, relaxed, and less stressed and improve your immune system. Laughter may provide additional health benefits like burning calories!


Benefits in Marriage

A bond of friendship develops as you make room for fun in marriage. It is easy to get inundated with the responsibilities of life and neglect the simple pleasures. 

Explore ways to spend time with your spouse and enjoy moments of happiness. Watch a funny show. Giggle with each other. Laugh at yourself. Take advantage of impromptu opportunities to communicate. Who knows, you may hear something humorous that leaves you both in uncontrolled laughter. Snicker at the splash of fresh green paint on your husband’s eyelid from your kitchen update. Chuckle when you realize you wore your blouse inside out all day—with the tag showing.

Spiritual Benefits

Researchers discovered a health fact written long ago: “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22 ESV). When you are joyful, it restores and improves your health as though you had taken medication. In contrast, when your emotions are down, your body becomes weak and can cause other organs to break down soon afterward.

The joy of the Lord can be your strength (Nehemiah 8:10 ESV). Perfect joy and happiness are found in having a relationship with Christ and enjoying Him. The psalmist writes, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11ESV).

So, the next time you are cheerful, consider the health benefits you may receive. A joyful heart is good medicine for the body without co-pays, side effects, drug interactions, or expiration dates. Here is the good part: you can ingest it daily and as often as desired.

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